At Wilbur, we do a lot more than grow great products. We understand that our actions have an effect on the world around us, and have put a substantial amount of effort into making our footprint as small as possible. Here is a little info for you about some of our green initiatives:
We’ve added a solar power system that will generate 91% of our power usage. Over the next 25 years, this will be the equivalent of planting 200 acres of trees, or canceling out the equivalent of 38 million miles driven by a car. Or taking 130 cars off the road for 25 years.
Over the next 25 years, our new solar plant will reduce CO2 emissions by 24 million pounds. It will also eliminate 76,000 pounds of NOx, which causes smog, and 69,000 pounds of Sox, which causes acid rain.
As the world continues to grow, commercial agriculture consumes more and more water. As this water is consumed, both wastewater and regulatory requirements increase. Effective wastewater management has become one of the cornerstones of operating a successful agriculture business.
With Sustained, Advanced wastewater treatment reclamation a top priority, we have recently completed our newly installed "State of Art" Ethical and Environmental Friendly waste treatment system. This new system gives us the flex ability to remove Organic content better. This enhanced treatment of the wastewater stream and highly customized "Microbial" blends for our waste lagoons allows for us to meet all "local, state, & federal" requirements for supplemental wastewater irrigation back on our orchards. The collected organic sludge from the treatment process is used to produce "Organic Fertilizer"making our process virtually waste free.